Whenever it rains in LA - a lot of people start complaining about it: "Oh, I hate rains... Ah, the rains, how annoying... When is sun going to come out?" blah-Blah-BLAH "I can't wear my sandals. My clothes got wet".
WOW! Can you be a little more shallow, please?
Imagine living in England or Costa Rica where it rains almost every day. Oh, no, of course they wouldn't even set foot there.
I always want to SHAKE these people awake. Are you F*** serious? Are you really complaining about this?
And I tell these people:
1. If it doesn't rain - LA will become dry, desolate and bleak. But you probably don't care about that. I mean you might, but not on a deep level... not really. Otherwise you wouldn't be saying such B***S***.
2. If it doesn't rain - the reservoirs from which we get out water will go dry and the water outage is going to be even more "annoying" than the rain itself. Thank God, the nature doesn't hear their plea. Picture this: it's 117F in July and you want to shower... Oh, no! It hasn't rained in years, just like they wanted. Well... Yeah, good luck.
3. Really?! Really?! So 350 days of "perfect" weather isn't enough, you want to make it 365? How rude! So it's all about you? Who cares about the plants, the animals, the soil, the rivers, the oceans, the climate. As long as you're happy... and you can wear your sandals.
4. Dolly Parton said "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain". Nicely put, Dolly. Thank you!
Whenever I say these things to people I get the same answer "Yeah, I know, but...." followed by another series of "blah-blah-blah".
Enough bitching. Look at life from a less self-centered point of view.
People here are so used to the fact that bitching is OK, that they have learned many different ways of bitching about anything and everything. It's because they are spoiled. I would like to see these people live for one month, no more, in a third world country, where people have to endure all kinds of hardship, where they have to wait for days to get a glass of water, where getting rain is a matter of survival. (Check out what the goings on in Africa).
The bookstores, the internet, the media is littered now with all kind of media teaching us how to become more centered, more accepting, more grounded. But we pick and choose which parts of life we're going to accept. Apparently, rain isn't one of them.
Rain is part of life. It is as much a part of life as say... going to the bathroom. Imagine if every time we went to the bathroom we'd bitch about the fact that we have to go. Eghhh... How ANNOYING would THAT be?
I myself LOVE LOVE LOVE the rains. They are purifying, they feed the soil, they are food for plants, which are in turn MY food (thank you, Earth), they clean the air that we pollute every day, they inspire, their sound is intoxicating, they smell fantastic and they bring this semi-desert city to life.
I, personally, welcome rains to Los Angeles.