No matter how much we pretend, or try to convince ourselves that we are independent and/or self reliant. No matter how much we try to run away from the truth, pretend that we are "above" it, no matter how much we have forgotten about it - we all know somewhere deep down (or for more honest people not so deep down at all) that EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS ABOUT LOVE!
Seriously, though, it is. The whole purpose of being is to love.
This life, everything we do, everything we want is always, unmistakably about love.
No man would want power if he didn't want to have people love him for his strength.
No woman would want to look pretty if there wasn't a man or men to impress.
No flower would look pretty, or smell amazing, if it wasn't to impress the onlookers, thus spreading itself around the world.
No child would strive to become better if it wasn't to make an impression on his/her parents.
No musician would create music if it wasn't to have an audience applaud him. John Sykes ones said to me that the reason he started playing a guitar was to get laid.
When we love - we evoke and pull towards us positive things. Have you ever noticed that when you're single no one wants you, but as soon as you "obtain" a partner - many, many people want you?
My friends attribute that to the fact that the world isn't fair. I attribute that to the fact that when we're in love we start exuding it into the atmosphere from every pore of our being. And people are drawn to that.
I have noticed that a lot of people treat love as a guilty pleasure or who pretend that they are above love, that they are tougher, smarter, better, more experienced in order to fall to such silly things as love. When will people stop treating it as an illness?
There is another extreme, which I also dislike: we all know the "Sex & the City" fanatics, who ONLY talk about love (in their case aka sex), and only talk about man+woman love. Those talks make me want to puke.
The thing is this: all this "rivalry" between man and woman, all this war about 'men don't put the seat down' and 'women are crazy while on their periods' is sickening and it's (drum roll, please) ALL A HUGE BIG DISGUSTING FABRICATION! Women, just put your seats down, it's not that hard. Really! And men, you try having different hormones rise and fall every second day of your life.
We LOVE each other. That's a fact! Underneath all society-injected layers of low-self-esteem-creating junk... underneath all the piles of society-taught evil doctrines - WE ALL KNOW IT:
Ladies and gentlemen, it's ALWAYS ALL ABOUT LOVE!