Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Channel your moods into your passion

All writers periodically suffer from writer's block, plus all of our muses are a bit fickle, only making the path we chose so much more arduous. But along with being inspired, imaginative, having good language, vocabulary and skill we also have to have the writing muscle developed, trained, practiced and exercised. "Everyday", as we are told by more productive writers.

To be frank, I have relied on my muse more than I would like to admit, making excuses of why I can't write, of what's keeping me from telling the stories that I dream about every night, and which have been brewing in my head for years.

Last year through one of those productive writers' blogs I heard about NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month), which is a virtual writers camp. You sign up with them, and during the month of November write 50,000 words of the first draft of your novel ("draft" being the operative word). This year they asked each participant to share information about them, hence this blog. Thanks for that, NaNoWriMo, you gave me something to think and write about.
Last year I didn't last for more than 16,000 words. (I had an excuse. Yup, one of those again.) But seeing how many people are successful with this program and are published writers now... Yeah, that gives you a good kick on your behind and says "if this is what you really want to be then stop wasting your precious time and be it".
I'm not the first or only one to drop out from this program. There are many things that stand between us and our dreams: work, people, being tired, society telling us "why bother?", not being in the mood...
But I decided to start channeling my moods and anger into writing. Good luck.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Foundation of the Little Blue Planet

Today I realized something, which many people may have realized a long time ago. But that's life - you learn things according to your readiness and general circumstance.

The reason Earth is still standing (or rotating) is people who are honest, fair, open, clear, straight forward, who take pride in what they do, take responsibility for their work and their own mistakes, who know how to communicate with one another and whose souls always smile. Unfortunately, it is a disappearing breed. Our world is filled with the exact opposite type of creatures, and, regrettably, they are running it (and look what they've done to it). 

Fortunately, we are the foundation of society. If not for us - these mongrels would have eaten each other alive and blown up this rock a loooong time ago. We are the reason why businesses still run, the buildings don't crumble, why these losers haven't massacred everything in their wake yet... While they are the reason why laws get more and more complicated, why trust is no longer in the cards and why the whole planet is warring. 

For us, this is a difficult society to live in. We are not well equipped for survival in the community they've created. Them and us - we speak in different languages. Our values are absolutely foreign to them. Explaining anything to these half-humans is like telling a carnivorous flower that butterflies it's eating also want to live. It's like reasoning with a violent truck coming at you. It's like fighting with a chainsaw.

We are what prevents these brutes from total destruction. Somehow we are able to tie and restrain this mass of filth. It's an arduous task, but I am glad we are.
"Мир строится на таких как Я."

edit: (according to Zophorian, who left a comment below, honor is primary and should be the origin of honesty, and I completely and totally agree. Honor.)

A Child With Rose-Colored Glasses

According to the dictionary, rose-colored glasses are: a happy or positive attitude that fails to notice negative things, leading to a view ...