Here is the definition of the word "judge" as described by Merriam-Webster dictionary:
*A judge - one who gives an authoritative opinion
*To judge - to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises
I purposefully highlighted the aforementioned details, because I've been noticing a growing tendency of ruling without having those qualifications or knowing all the facts before the judgment is passed. (I trust my reader understands that I'm not talking about having an opinion.)
And so I asked myself:
Firstly, if one isn't a "judge" by profession, then why is there a need to judge others at all? If their behavior doesn't have any impact on our lives, then why do we care how people construct theirs? How does that make our lives any better? Is it the need to prove that we are better? smarter? more "evolved"? Or is it that we want to improve the world we live in? In the latter's case: how do we know that the world pictured in our head is nicer, anyway?
Most of the time, people like the way they dress, what they read, whom they love, how they conduct their lives. Recently, at a party, I saw a girl who was dressed, in my opinion, quite ugly. But I’m positive that she wouldn't have worn it if she thought she didn't look her best. Who is to say that the person whose dress we condemned to death - isn't giving the same order to ours?
Secondly, we’ve all been on both sides of judgment. And I’m sure no one likes to be on the other side. No one likes to be talked badly about. Then why do it to others? One – it doesn’t show us in a good light, two - anything we do comes back to us like a boomerang. Plus, there is always a reason why people do one thing or another, it might not be to our liking, but it’s there. We can’t know why one listens to this piece of music or drives that “horrible” car. It could be anything… Maybe, that song reminds them of a passed love, or they don’t have the means to afford a new car… Or maybe THEY SIMPLY LIKE IT.
I always say “if you’re not hurting yourself and/or others – do whatever you like, what do I care?”
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