Saturday, August 25, 2018

Cheer up, this is a new age

Since the start of the new cosmic era, which began in 2012 (look up 
Earth’s precession; if you’re interested), everyone, be it a scientist, a janitor, an electrician, an artist, a housewife… are trying to find alternative ways of feeling better, that is to say - being better. I say alternative, because for millennia the accepted, expected and coveted ways for being respected, “successful” and envied were money, power, possession, dominance. And if you didn’t have “power”, money or connections, then you struggled, lived in poverty or worse – subjugation. But that "successful way" only worked for some and only for a short period of time, after which, usually, came hell: legal problems, loss of power, nasty illnesses, hatred, “untimely” death and deaths of the family, murder, oblivion... Fortunately, that fashion has ended; the new fashion is for a human being, who has all the qualities to warrant the name “Human Being”.

14 years ago I was taking short-form Improv classes, and one day, during the game of Pantomime, our teacher, Chris, said that if you draw the same circle over and over and your partner cannot guess what it is – you need to stop and come up with a different way of explaining. There is also the famous quote “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” My point is: people tried the "conventional" way, it didn't work and so, they started changing. Changing their way of thinking and behaving, their values are of a different value now (no pun intended). People are tired of being bad. Simple as that. And they are looking for alternative ways to be, which leads them to look in, which in turn leads to growth, compassion, and so on. Each person according to their capability.  

Throughout the known history, there were countless writers, scientists, messiahs, missionaries, leaders, artists, who saw the right Path and tried convincing others to come with them up that Path. But they all failed. And not because their ideology was flawed or imperfect, but due to disadvantageous position of Earth’s axis. I know, I know… many will raise their eyebrows and smirk at this statement and say that this is childish nonsense. But let’s think about this: our Moon’s gravity moves oceans; humans are 80% water. What does it mean? That Moon affects us. Besides being logical, this is also a proven scientific fact. So, if a small, tiny moon can affect us, our mood, our behavior, what can be done by a mass of gigantic, enormous stars, black holes and nebulas, which we now begin facing due to Earth's precession changes? Imagine the waves now entering Earth's axis-antenna.

For ages, this ubiquitous change was anticipated and described in detail as part of perpetual series of cycles – or rather continuous journey up a spiral: Vedas, the Bible, the Mayan calendar, just to name the most famous sources. Armenian epos "Daredevils of Sassoun".

Again, I can hear the skeptics say: “Myths, old wives’ tales”. And I say: “Double standards much? You’d believe something written in a science magazine, which of course you can’t check or prove (it reminds me of the quote from The Lego Movie “You don't know me, but I'm on TV, so you can trust me”), but you won’t believe something written as a fairy tale only because it speaks in symbols? You'd dismiss the old texts as "metaphors", simply because they don't seem plausible to you? You’d believe one thing those scientists say, but not the other?” 

I like the quote by Werner Heisenberg, a German scientist: "The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass - God is waiting for you." But I am not here to convince anyone. The evidence of a change is apparent, who wants to see it – will.

The change is even more apparent to me, because I changed. Years ago, in one of my blogs I wrote “honest, fair and good people are a disappearing breed”. I am happy to say – I was wrong! The good people, the individuals that are now in fashion are multiplying with an astounding speed, as if the process itself has become a race. The best proof to me was an event we witnessed in April-May of this year – the Armenian Velvet Revolution, which not only changed the regime, but the mentality, the ideas, the beliefs. The entire nation, not only in Armenia but across the globe, has become more considerate, polite; we smile even more than before, because now we know – humans can change the world.

So how come not all can see the change? We, as a society, have a habit of looking the wrong way. If to our right is a beautiful flower and to our left is a pile of doo-doo, we have a habit of looking at the doo-doo. We discuss it, condemn it, write lengthy statuses about it, revel in the hate of it. We think a beautiful flower is a given. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but to disregard it for a pile of smelly excrement is…. unwise.  

One of the important things to understand is that not only humans are affected by the Earth’s precession: plants and animals who “don’t have” the consciousness we are so proud of, caught on to this “metamorphosis” much sooner. All the instances of different species of animals rescuing each other; lions, bears and wolves hugging humans, octopuses saying thanks… This indicates to me that everyone, correction: everything is striving to become better. You might say: “What about all those natural disasters?” Well, who is to say that it isn’t Earth rebelling against the violence we have done? Who is to say that water, which holds vast amounts of information (note for the skeptics: proven by science) isn’t shaking off all the accumulated nasty information and pollution? And this time the position of Earth’s axis, which is rotating toward the center of Milky Way, is aiding us. All of Us. In Russian this age is called Svarog’s Morning (Утро Сварога) and we are at the beginning of it - the Dawn. 

I’ve always liked the time, in which I was born - a cusp of two eras. I thought myself lucky to experience both the hand-written letter sent by snail mail and the internet where petabytes are traveling to and fro within seconds; however XXI century proved to me that I am lucky in a larger sense. 

Lots of hard work awaits those who strive to move up, but I view it as a fun, albeit difficult game, at which I know I will succeed with the help of everything that surrounds me. To the pessimists I will say that the “judgment day” is upon us, those who are not willing to change will be flushed down the toilet, so to speak. To the optimists I will say "Don’t worry about them, stop looking at the doo-doo and focus on those who are walking alongside you with the flower in their hair."

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